Research | Disruptive Dynamics

What do readers want from today's publisher?

Content has seen rapid change over the past decade driven in large part by Gen Z's social-first mindset and appetite for multi-faceted content. In response, publishers are looking for new ways to scale production, and keep up with reader demands. 

In this paper, we explore Gen Z's appetite for newer media channels and engagement tools, what they're looking for from today's publisher, and interest in future formats. 

Key Insights Include:

  • 44% of Gen Z would like to see recommended articles
  • Gen Z gravitates towards Reddit (30%) as a source for news
  • 33% of Gen Z expressed a preference for articles with reader polls
  • Gen Z is sold on Audio, with 26% saying relevant audio content would keep them engaged 

About The Study

Disruptive Dynamics was conducted by Connatix to uncover reader expectations as it relates to video, interactive content, audio, and other types of emerging publishing media formats. Over 1,000 consumers across generations were polled through AYTM online research platform.